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December 2016

December 2016

In this Issue

Qianna Snooks

Stephen Berk, Ph.D., ABPN, was a full-time faculty member in the Psy.D. program who was often considered a role model on how to balance a stellar career with being a dedicated father, husband and friend. After his death in 2012, The Stephen N. Berk Memorial Award was created to honor his life’s work.

Election 2016 button

History may one day remember the election of President Donald J. Trump as a manifestation of the inevitable. - Guest editorial by Jeffrey Carroll, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science

NCAA retreat

When Mike West, head women’s basketball coach, returned from the NCAA Identity Workshop last summer, he brought back the opportunity for Chestnut Hill to participate in the NCAA D-II Campus Retreat Program.

Eva Kor

Marie Conn, Ph.D., professor of religious studies, has made several trips abroad with Eva Mozes Kor, who, with her late twin sister, Miriam, were part of the infamous WW II experiments conducted on twins at Auschwitz by Dr. Josef Mengele.

Sister Rita Michael Scully

For more than four years, Rita Michael Scully, SSJ, M.A., associate professor of English, has traveled the streets of center city Philadelphia, delivering socks to the homeless. Twice a month on Saturdays, she makes her way up and down Market Street always ending her journey at Old St. Joseph’s Church on Willings Alley for Mass.

keep calm and carry on

No matter what holiday you celebrate, every year the holiday season brings stress along with the joy. How do you make the holidays a cheerful time in spite of the tasks we face and the stressors we often feel now?

student life symposium

The Student Life Department recently hosted its second Student Life Symposium. The event is designed to provide time for personal and professional enrichment while encouraging dialogue between campuses.

Seth Jacobson '07

Seth Jacobson ’07 has been selected for the William Penn Fellowship, a two-year fellowship in Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s office beginning in August 2017. 

Alumni at Holiday Cheer

The holiday season is upon us, filled with joy and … alumni events!

massey senior seminar

College is the culmination of four years of hard work, long study hours and students finding and pursuing a passion to one day turn into a career.

Men's Basketball team

Did you know that CHC’s men’s basketball team recently beat a Division I opponent for the first time in program history? 

Griffins in the News logo

Alumni, faculty, staff and students continue to make news and local news outlets continue to take notice. Griffins in the News lists some of the noteworthy mentions in the past weeks.

Teach in participants

The country’s largest Catholic social justice conference was held in mid-November, bringing nearly 2,000 high school and college students together to learn, reflect, pray, network and advocate in the context of the Catholic faith tradition.

Pam King, cybersecurity conference

Philadelphia is one of the largest cities in America and home to close to 50 colleges and universities, and none of them have an undergraduate cybersecurity degree program. That is, until now. 

Heart of the City class outside Pat Toomey's office

For the second consecutive year, Marie Conn, Ph.D., professor of religious studies, and Ryan Murphy, director of service-learning, co-taught the course called Heart of the City this fall.